Allison Pest Control

Earwig: The Pest with the Creepy Name

The Earwig

Earwigs are long, dark brown bugs that you might see crawling around your home. Their odd name comes from an old myth that they enter people’s ears while they’re asleep and make their way to the brain. While this isn’t true, these bugs are still an unwelcome sight in your home and a good reason to call in Monmouth County pest control experts.

Earwigs are thin bugs with a distinctive pair of clippers on their backsides. Their narrow shape makes it easy for them to get inside your home through small cracks in your exterior walls. When you see them outside, you’re likely to find them in piles of leaves, mulch or holes in trees. During the night, they leave their hiding spots and look for flowers, leaves or other bugs to eat.

These pests don’t spread any diseases and they usually don’t cause property damage, but they can reproduce inside your home and cause an infestation that’s difficult to handle. You can make it harder for earwigs to get into your home by getting rid of spots they hide in on your property, such as mulch piles or leaves, and by sealing up cracks in your exterior walls.

Don’t let earwigs take over your home this winter. Contact our Monmouth County pest control experts to handle your earwig problem and prevent them from coming back.

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