The Lowdown on Stink Bugs – What to Expect This Season

Stink Bug Lowdown
Stink Bug Lowdown

Stink bugs. Even their name makes us cringe. The tiny bugs that look like a mini armored tank are leaving their winter dwellings as temperatures heat up. Currently, they are the target of intensive research at the University of Maryland and are on the “wanted” list to find out the best way to control the species.

Where do they live?

In the winter, stink bugs will move into your walls and attic space, lock, stock and barrel, and be happy campers in the snug confines. Outside, stink bugs like wooded and agricultural areas. They especially like making their homes under the bark of fallen dead trees or live standing trees.

When are they active?

Spring is mating season. From May through August, the female lays her eggs. As September approaches, adults look for new winter housing.

What do they eat?

They eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruit, apples, figs, peaches, persimmons, beans, corn, soybeans, and more.

If you suspect or know for sure you have an issue with these invasive pests, you’ll need the help of Allison Pest Control to put things right as rain.

For a free pest inspection, contact us at Allison Pest Control by phone at the office nearest you listed on our website or use our convenient online form to send us a message. Either way, we’ve got the answers to your stink bug problems.