How Do NJ Subterranean Termites Communicate

Subterranean Turmites
Subterranean Turmites

Are you fluent in termite-speak? While most people may not appreciate their industriousness, the precise organization and complex work of termite colonies requires effective communication. Termites interact using unique forms of communication that may provide a key to more effective pest control.

  • Chemical secretions form the primary “language” of termites. The colony’s queen lets the workers know her location and instructions by depositing a chemical trace. As the colony members share food and fluids, her commands are passed along from termite to termite.
  • While chemical deposits can carry a surprising amount of information, its transmission is time-consuming. In the case of an immediate threat to the colony such as invasion by a predator, termites bang their heads into the chamber walls to create vibrations that are quickly sensed by the others.
  • Vibrations also play a role in measuring the colony’s food supply. As termites chew through wood, the noise sets off vibrations in a process known as vibroacoustics. The quality of the vibrations allows the termites to gauge the abundance of food so they can determine whether or not they need additional sources.

If you find evidence of termites in your Monmouth County home, you don’t need to brush up on language skills. Our skilled technicians of Allison Pest Control have years of experience with effective elimination of termites and other household pests. Contact us today to schedule an inspection.