Allison Pest Control

Beware Of The Stink Bugs

In case you are new to the area, the brown marmorated stink bug is easy to recognize by it’s shield shaped exterior and it’s tiny little eyes.  The pests are brown, reddish, yellow, or a mixture of the three colors.

This is the time of the year where they are one of the biggest nuisance pests throughout New Jersey.  Stink bug lovers (are there any out there?) may argue that the pre-historic looking bugs are just looking for a place to hunker down for the winter, but for most of us humans they are a ridiculous pest to have around.

As the weather begins to become chilly, the brown marmorated stink bug will migrate to the warmer side of a home and hang out for the day, enjoying the last bit of daytime heat.  As nighttime begins to arrive the little buggers begin to search around for a way to come inside and join the family.  Once inside, these strange bugs have no interest in eating human food, although it is not uncommon for them to fall into a pot of spaghetti or plop themselves into a cooked casserole just as you are serving it up.  Some will join you in the family room as they become fascinated by any light source that is on.  Don’t be surprised to find one creeping on your shoulder watching your favorite television show.

It is wise not to scare a brown marmorated stink bug as they will release a pungent stench that you won’t soon forget.

To keep your home protected from the brown marmorated stink bugs call a Monmouth County NJ exterminator.

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