Allison Pest Control

Two Insect Wood-Destroyers…Which Is The Worst For NJ Homes?

While there are some other types of insects that can cause damage to various trees that exist on the east coast, there are three primary wood destroying insects that homeowners should be aware of that can cause damage to their properties.  Carpenter bees and carpenter ants can find their way to New Jersey homes at any time report exterminators in Monmouth County, NJ.

The damage caused by carpenter bees is unseen and can happen over time from generation to generation.  Female carpenter bees are the ones that dig holes into sound wood in order to create galleries for them to lay their eggs before they die.  Although these bees are considered to be solitary creatures, each entrance hole can be shared by many female bees.  Each bee will use previous established galleries and will excavate farther into the wood to suit their own needs.  Over time, this constant enlargement of the wood galleries will cause significant damage to the infested wood.

Carpenter ants are opportunistic feeders.  These omnivores survive by eating both live and dead insects, but they are also attracted to human food, especially sweets.  They adore honeysuckle, which is a sweet sap-like secretion produced by other insects such as aphids.  Carpenter ants are attracted to wood that has been damaged by moisture.  Carpenter ants do not eat wood.  Instead they burrow into wood so they can create galleries for the queen’s offspring, food storage areas, and tunnels for which they travel through.  Carpenter ants cost homeowners millions of dollars in damages which is why a Monmouth County, NJ exterminator should perform a pest control inspection.

A Monmouth County, NJ exterminator like Allison Pest Control can help to keep both of these pests out of your home.

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