Allison Pest Control

Ticks – A Bloodsucker To Avoid

There are hundreds of different tick species in the world, but only a few ticks interact with domestic animals and humans causing harm. Some ticks are opportunistic feeders that will attach themselves to any warm blooded host that they encounter while other ticks have a more selective appetite.

Most ticks are not born with disease causing agents. Unlike other bloodsucking pests, ticks do not feed often, but when they do, the chance of acquiring a disease is high because ticks feed off of one host and can transmit pathogens to the next host that they feed upon.

When a tick feeds off of an infected animal, then feeds off of a human and transmits a disease, the process is called “zoonosise.” Ticks can transmit a variety of dangerous diseases to humans such as Lyme disease, erlichiosious, babiosisos, and tularemia.

Simply put, ticks are dangerous insects! The best way to avoid tick borne diseases is to avoid tick encounters. Pest control professionals in Monmouth County, NJ recommend wearing light colored clothing while spending time outdoors. Industry experts agree that you should always use an insect repellant that contains DEET when spending any time outdoors during known tick seasons.

Ticks are very tiny before they have had their blood meal. After spending time outdoors you should always check children and yourself for ticks. Be mindful of all locations on the body as ticks are notorious for hiding in between toes, between folds of skin, on the scalp, and in other well hidden areas on the body.

Pest control professionals in Monmouth, NJ can help keep ticks out of your yard with our exterior barrier treatments. Call Allison Pest Control to keep your family safe from disease carrying ticks.

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