As Summer Approaches, So Do Ticks

I must admit, despite my vast knowledge of the life cycles, feeding habits, and a montage of other useful information on a wide variety of pests throughout the United States, a few creepy crawlers, still makes me squeamish.  The ones that   particularly give me trouble are the ones that invade my personal space and happen to crawl on my body!  Yikes!

Ticks are one of the pests that tend to drive me up a tree!  These hungry bloodsuckers not only burrow their head into your skin without you knowing it as they seek a blood meal, the diseases that they cause to humans and pets can be downright frightening.  Pest control professionals in Ocean County, NJ report that approximately 40 to 45% of all ticks in New Jersey are infected with Lyme disease.

When a tick bites you and latches on, it buries its mouthpart into your skin so that it can suck your blood.  All ticks should be properly removed as soon as you find them in order to ensure that you do not contract one of the dangerous diseases that ticks are known to carry.

It is critical that you use tweezers to be able to properly remove a tick.  Other strange tick removal remedies such as using petroleum jelly, matches,  or noxious chemicals to try to force the tick to back itself out do not work for tick removal.

Check out our Blog post dated April 13, 2012 to read more information about ticks and Lyme disease.  Allison Pest Control will be able to properly identify what type of ticks you have lurking around your garden so that you have less of a chance of being bitten.


